Portable Tennis Trainer Machine for Swing Ball Practice, Beginner Equipment
If you want to improve your tennis technique you should have tools and equipment that allow you to practice your skills. One of the most essential is the swingball, which are a pretty convincing replica of the balls you will have to hit during your games.
Therefore, you can greatly improve your shots and receptions by using this in swing ball. Thanks to the practical and lightweight design, you can take it wherever you need to go without any problems.
- Tennis size, weight, elasticity,
- The touch of the ball is the same as tennis used in the game.
- The racket can hit and rub the tennis ball
- Tennis can produce more than 4 dry revolutions per minute
- Speed, one ratio-close to actual combat.
- The use of reducing rod technology, the movement of the ball
- The track height is restored to actual combat.
- The height of the ball can be adjusted, suitable for all
- Practitioners in the age range.
- The base is safe, environmentally friendly and stable. Can be filled with water;
- Sand filling, easy to carry and transport.
- Size: 26 x 21 x 6 cm
- Height: 81cm
- Material: Plastic
- Color: Standard , child type
- 1xPortable Tennis Trainer Machine for Swing Ball Practice, Beginner Equipment
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